
think i finally found and eliminated the treasure being fought over in my long-running kitchen battle in the war on ants

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ant intel is likely reporting these boastful statements back to ant HQ, and i'm sure they're plotting a counteroffensive somewhere aimed at crushing our morale.

meanwhile, the civilian population (my kid) is complaining of headaches, and blaming the chemical agents i have (allegedly) been deploying (indiscriminately, people are saying) against the enemy.

@bikepedantic The Terro stuff works well, since it eventually kills off the whole nest, and borax is not particularly toxic to humans. I like the outdoor ones since they spill less than indoor ones.

(That being said we have one set of ants that are studiously ignoring the terro, so maybe I've bred super-intelligent ants.)

@bikepedantic By some miracle the little Argentine ants with which I contested control of my kitchen for decades, part of a supercolony extending from here in San Francisco to L.A., have disappeared. I’d think the termites chased them out except that they’ve disappeared also from my garden. The cobweb-weaving long-bodied cellar spiders that thrived on them indoors and the wolf spiders that chased and ate them outdoors are also gone. Ain’t nature a beauty and a wonder.

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