@alexkgellis I think I got it from @WABA , not sure if it’s a current offering

@bikepedantic my partner and I were walking over there today - and - we witnessed what I believe was someone moving a twin bed mattress and accessories by bike in that same lane.

@andr_w I think I saw that guy on the trail, bed on a trailer and him on a blue Tern

@bikepedantic yeah that sounds about right - i turned to my partner and we both were like "yep, we're definitely in Cambridge..."

@bikepedantic jeez that’s a long ride from the Cape. You riding the PMC home?

@Ofsevit with no parking and no other options to get my hair cut, I’ve clearly been forced into this endurance ride. “Thanks, Cambridge.”

@bikepedantic And? Did Fast Phil make any comment? (I biked by City Paint today and noticed they still have giant anti-bike lane posters—maybe new ones?—and wondered about the current state of play…)

@Etherealcolburn not a word. We had a really good wide ranging chat about Italy, oyster aquaculture, etc

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