
It has been a hard week for me, but riding bikes with kids this past Saturday has really kept me mentally functioning.

Alt text: two kids ride in front cargobox looking back at pilot, one kid’s face obscured for privacy

@bikepedantic Best wishes for a better week sometime soon. I dropped my daughter off at college in Colorado (COLORADO! Aaargh!!!) this week, and the only time I have felt semi-normal was when I was biking along a beautiful bike path this morning.

@bikepedantic Fortunately my daughter seems happy. (My anxious mind adds: But it’s so far away! And the streets are all like 6 lanes wide! And there are so many cars! And the exurban development seems to go on forever! And people have guns! And NORAD is right there so if nuclear war comes it might be an early target… And it’s so far away.)

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