dumb national politics take 

Not that there are six principled republicans left in the House, but it's 'fun' to imagine scenarios where a Parliamentary coalition style Speaker designation where Dems and six GOP unicorns vote in someone like Liz Cheney.

@bikepedantic It would need to be 100 republicans. Not all democrats will go for whatever plan there is, and while numerically only a few republicans need to, if you are only 6 you will lose a lot of party support while if it is 100 there is enough power in numbers that the party itself can't go after you.


@bluGill whether six or 100, let's acknowledge that we're firmly in 100% fan-fiction land here

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@bikepedantic Sadly you are right. Almost nobody on either side wants to work with the other. They will say they do, but they won't except to have an exception they can point to as if it was a rule.

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