
Any e-cargobike buyer's guide that leaves off the unofficial 2023 Family Bike of Camberville, the Aventon Abound, is highly sus. But anyway.

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@bikepedantic Lektric XPedition is the unofficial Family Bike of Richland -- we have an eBike store that sells them so folks can test ride. I wonder if Camberville has a store carrying Aventons. Lektric is overtaking Rad here pretty fast, and my friend with a mobile bike shop who builds direct-to-consumer bikes says Rad and Blix are a nightmare but Lektric goes together in 1/3 of the time and issue-free.

@HayiWena We do have a couple of active Aventon dealers, and no Lectric ones, as well as a few early Aventon adopters who have been very active in sharing experiences and test drives. I think the UL battery thing is a big selling point here, too

@bikepedantic What is the UL Battery Thing? While I'm so deeply into cargo bikes I had an UPSETTING dream last night that someone's Yuba Spicy Curry I was storing got stolen, I haven't heard of UL Batteries.

@HayiWena Having the UL rating on batteries, meaning they're lower risk to spontaneously combust. Lectric, Rad don't have it.

@HayiWena @bikepedantic Camberville has a cargo bike lending library, and the guy who runs it has a connection with a shop in I think Maine that sells Aventons. Edit:, actually an e-bikes lending library, but most of them are also cargo bikes or cargo-ish.

@dr2chase even before the Maine folks and the library, folks were cleaning Farina's in Watertown out of them @HayiWena

@bikepedantic I wonder if anyone involved in this review has spent any meaningful time with the RadWagon because, while heavy, weight is not near the top of my quibbles with it.

I’d focus more on:
- battery placement and the ease of theft
- non standard tire makes replacement in a pinch hard
- components are rather susceptible to rust even though I primarily store indoors

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