
Patty Nolan just posted on nextdoor the records of candidates voting (and not voting) in muni elections. I never thought that I would ever like a Patty Nolan post.

The absolute least surprising thing is that the absolute most reactionary candidates have abysmal records actually doing this bare minimum act of civic participation.

@misc he does bring that angry old racist energy to the polls every time, lucky us

@bikepedantic wow, that is up there with Audrey Clement lying about her age

@Kevin for a guy who’s all about the data, that’s some damning data right there

@bikepedantic takes effort to register over a decade ago and manage to not vote even once

@bikepedantic @Kevin his answer to this on Reddit was weird, and a combination of “I didn’t feel like it was my place” with “I travel a lot” which was a completely incomprehensible answer to the question; it’s not like he just doesn’t vote in municipal elections, the dude just doesn’t vote.

@crschmidt if he has a core constituency, hopefully they share this outlook @Kevin

@bikepedantic I like this but I wish they'd put candidate age on there. This makes younger candidates look bad even if they've voted in 100% of the elections in which they could legally cast a vote. Of course Burhan Azeem's "only" voted in 3 elections!

@jfsheehan Agree. But if you squint, it does have their registration dates, which is an admittedly imperfect proxy for whenever they moved here or came of age

@bikepedantic Even with that, it'd be better to highlight the cels that are post-registration for each candidate. The date column doesn't exactly jump out at you, but a row with either a lot of empty cels or no empty cels does

Don't get me wrong, I love seeing Marc's record! Just wish it didn't appear to penalize younger candidates when having an unusually strong voting record for your demographic should be a plus

@jfsheehan John hanratty really got the ux right on being able to tell that he’s bad at a glance. Good job, John!

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