Mine: When our Federal government tried to deny payout on my wife's life insurance policy because of an administrative error, i wrote 638 words that included CFR, USC, and case law citations absolutely tearing them apart. We got paid.


I once turned down (an insultingly low) payment offered for a "no disparage".

I then dispagared with prejudice.

@bikepedantic Ah just re-read an email to our old landlords telling them that we would be exerting our rights as tenants in Seattle as they didn't have just cause for termination of our month-to-month lease. When we moved out eventually, we sent an email "reminding" them that retaliation against a tenant for exerting their rights was illegal. Both very satisfying!

@bikepedantic Shout out to the Tenants Union of WA for having a wonderful collection of information on their site!

Once in a great while I write something to my boss or a collaborator summarizing some analysis I've done, and as I read it over for typos and grammar and flow, I think, "Geez, I sound wicked smart there!"

About 25 years ago, after touring the newly revamped Hall of Human Origins at the Museum of Natural History with my toddler daughter, I identified and wrote to the person responsible for the exhibit’s content. They were so thrilled that someone had bothered to track them down!

I complimented them on the section exploring human reproduction (which hilariously included a looping video of a close up of a woman’s crotch as a baby was crowning and being pushed out—set at toddler eye level; all the small children were mesmerized by this).

However I then went on to question why the beautifully rendered and labeled male and female genitalia etched into a glass display panel failed to include the female clitoris (which, btw, even as I type it now, my predictive text software fails to know anything about). And as the mother of a young girl, I expressed my deep disappointment.

As you might imagine, I did not receive a response.

@bikepedantic the time I got a bigoted grandma who could not spell her own relative's name right to stop emailing me (a stranger with a similar name) by mistake after several years of her sending me wildly offensive hot trash boomer memes and begging her politely to shop by sending her a more offensive photo than the one of a man's buttcrack she'd just sent me.

Goatse, the gift that keeps on giving.

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