@bikepedantic just two imminent retirees telling the young folk how they should be working. Infuriating

@Kevin @bikepedantic It's also insulting that it's branded the "Back to Work Act" as if people haven't been able to do their jobs the past four years. Yes, some people need to be "in the office" for part of their time because that's what their job requires, and those people have been. However, a whole lot of people can work from anywhere just as (if not more) effectively.

@LhasaCM @bikepedantic to say nothing of all of us who had to do *more* work because of COVID, such as caring for children or elders. Rich people fuck off

@Kevin @bikepedantic Not to mention the hypocrisy of the position. "Federal workers need to get out of DC to be closer to the people." "OK - done!" "No, not like that!"


@Kevin me too. watch as a carve-out for red states as remote work green zones emerges @LhasaCM

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