Good to see this massive bike cage at UTS uni being well used! This is one of 3 secure bike cages across the campus.

From what I can research, it seems that UNSW has a meagre 35-space bike cage with wall-mounted racks (hardly seems enough for a whole uni), and USyd doesn't seem to have any cages at all! (though there's a cage at Redfern Station which you could walk from)

It's a pity, because both UNSW and USyd are easily accessible via cycleways! #SydneyCycleways #sydney #cycling #university


@SydneyCyclewaysFan I'm at UNSW, I wouldn't call it easily accessible! It's ok from the city but from the inner west it's really awkward. Also both UNSW and USYD are much more spread out campuses with many small bike racks, and rightly or wrongly I don't worry about bike theft within campus during the day, so I don't bother to use the cage.

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@jroper Good point, you do need to go quite north before you can go west through Moore Park and onto the Anzac Pde path. By "easily accessible" I more just meant connected to the rest of the cycleway network haha. But we really need a Todman Avenue cycleway, that would make things so much better. Unfortunately they're just redoing the line marking rather than building an actual cycleway 😕

It's good that the campus feels safe from bike theft, have you heard of anyone having their bike stolen?

@SydneyCyclewaysFan Yes it would be amazing! So much untapped demand around there.

I haven't at UNSW, but tbh I don't know many students who cycle, and I think some of my academic friends keep their bikes in their offices. So far mine has been fine. I think the fact you can't get a car into the middle of campus makes it feel safer than some areas.

@jroper That's true, would probably be harder to run off with a wheel when you can't pop it in your van!

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