Ever since I started listening to the @TheWarOnCars podcast, I've become hyper-aware of how ridiculous it is that we have to "trust" each other to drive these big machines responsibly, especially on the highway. Sitting on a highway shoulder with a flat, quarter mile from an exit, watching multiple cars come close enough to shake my car as they debate using the shoulder to pass only heightens the ridiculousness... 😬

Maybe cars were a mistake?

#BanCars #DriveResponsibly


@glecharles @TheWarOnCars they were, but... it's also impressive how much we do trust each other with the difficult and dangerous task of driving, yet don't with some of the changes we may need to make the most of other systems (trust each other to take pets on public transport, trust each other to ride e-scooters on the footpath...). More 'motornormativity' I guess.

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@jroper @TheWarOnCars 💯 That motonormativity episode really got to me, how much we take for granted living in a world that was designed for cars. And I'm generally a fan of cars, but it's hard to unsee how bad they are once you start looking at things differently.

@jroper @TheWarOnCars Although, I do think the lack of trust to change is more about not believing the systems designed to prioritize cars can be changed. I've found that's the barrier for a lot of people, like me, who otherwise think fewer cars and less reliance on them is a good thing.

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