You can try this out for your city.
Here’s downtown Ottawa. Red indicates areas taken up by parking, according to googlemapsmania.blogspot.com/2
#Ottawa #OttBike #Cars

@johnefrancis @jd @mapsmania The Ottawa map above appears to have been generated with the Overpass Turbo tool. This queries OpenStreetMap and returns parking as a point or a polygon depending what's in OSM.

The 50 cities in the linked report had additional manual analysis done to get more accurate maps - "manually added all parking based on Google Maps satellite imagery." (parkingreform.org/resources/pa)

@jroper @johnefrancis @jd If you zoom in on the Overpass Turbo map those red circles do become outlines showing the actual area of parking (based on OSM).


@mapsmania @johnefrancis @jd Oh yeah you're right, I assumed there were node results because it says nodes at the bottom right, but that's just the nodes on the ways; the query only returns ways.

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