Parisians vote on banning e-scooters from French capital

" #Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo supports ban after three people died and 459 were injured in accidents during 2022."

And there are a lot of other forms of mobility available other than trottinettes— métro, bus, tramway, e-bikes, bikeshare, à pied...just sayin'.

Of course, I favor scooters over cars, which kill and injure far more people. But last time I was in Paris, in 2019, scooters, dropped everywhere by private companies, were a special kind of problem on the already crowded trottoirs of this very dense city.

@straphanger Of course, most of the injuries and all of the crowded sidewalks are really due to assigning too much space to cars, but we'll just ignore the elephant on the room.


@UrbanEdm @straphanger I think they do have extra injury potential for the rider themselves compared to a bike, irrespective of traffic, but people should be allowed to take that risk.

The complaints of extra risk to pedestrians feel like motornormativity and status quo bias, as well as the lack of space as you say .... but I haven't really looked at the numbers.

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