One of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS your city could do to become more healthy, sustainable, livable, affordable, equitable, resilient, etc — stop pretending to “balance” transportation modes, & commit to PRIORITIZING walking/rolling, biking, public transit. HT @dublincyclingcampaign for graphic

#cities #walking #biking #transit #bikes #cars

@BrentToderian @dublincyclingcampaign In NSW we have (theoretically!) this same hierarchy. But I question why they both place cyclists above public transport. I think it's reflecting something about vulnerability, but it doesn't really make sense to me as an overall 'more desirable', from an external perspective, in all situations. On heavy demand routes and in dense areas, public transport is more space efficient than cycling, both in motion and in parking space required.

@jroper @BrentToderian @dublincyclingcampaign IMO a mess of reasons. 1. We generally have more mature public transport networks. 2. Building more public transport network is relative easy and uncontroversial, at least compared to cycle networks. 3. Mode share of cycling needs more work to boost. 4. Fine grain journeys as others have pointed out will be done more by cycling than bus etc. eg European city planning.


@psimonk @BrentToderian @dublincyclingcampaign Yeah I think that's a good summary of other practical/political reasons. The first 3 are disingenous as reasons for 'more desirable' overall, but they are good reasons for 'more neglected' and therefore likely 'more posiive return on investment at present', in cities like mine.

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