Things that have been said about cars before but I feel like saying them again it's really interesting, particularly going straight from Japan to France with my partner doing most of the driving in both.

In Japan he was driving religiously to the very low speed limits, then back in his home village he drives like a maniac (IMO). Though the latter roads are very familiar to him, it seems to be about expectations, other drivers, culture, not just (or mostly) individual preferences.


Things that have been said about cars before but I feel like saying them again 

And the Japanese speed limits almost deserve their own post. The following is from wikipedia, but seemed accurate:

* speed cannot be set higher than 60 km/h for any streets with an at-grade intersection, or where pedestrians or cyclists are permitted.
* speed limits of 30 km/h on residential streets and 40 km/h are common for urban two-lane roads.
* 20km/h may be set when there are many seniors, children, narrow etc

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