Level 3 heat warning here today. The forecast is only to get to ~31C, but it feels much warmer. At least it isn't accompanied by Australian-like UV levels. Mainz is beautiful, but not very green. I think they'd benefit from a bit more urban tree cover!

@michcampbell Same in France... the supermarket carpark is dotted with trees but they are all somehow upright round trees that don't provide any shade.

(The first tragedy of course is that I'm driving to a supermarket, but not for much longer!)

@jroper yes, some of the least Shady trees I've ever seen! When are you leaving France?


@michcampbell About a month - heading to Toronto as my partner was offered a position in a lab he really likes there. Staying in Europe was our original plan, but oh well maybe later!

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@jroper Europe isn't going anywhere :) You're really ticking off the continents!

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