Why do I have a on my but not on my car?

Is the version of me who drives a multi-ton metal box just assumed to be less of a threat to others than the me who pedals along completely exposed on a 60lb with a motor that's less powerful than a travel hairdryer?
And if so why and thanks.

(ETA my issue is with fast cars, not slow bikes)

@DrTCombs Put limiters on the multi-ton metal boxes too :)

I ride an ebike, and I think having limiters is reasonable given that drivers and vehicles don't need to be licensed and that ebikes are allowed in spaces normally reserved for more-vulnerable users (pedestrians, acoustic bikes, etc). Without a limiter, at some point it becomes a motorcycle disguised as a bicycle.


I agree! I'm fine with my e-assist being limited. I want the same principle applied to cars. They are dangerous and driven by yahoos without proper training.

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