Why do I have a on my but not on my car?

Is the version of me who drives a multi-ton metal box just assumed to be less of a threat to others than the me who pedals along completely exposed on a 60lb with a motor that's less powerful than a travel hairdryer?
And if so why and thanks.

(ETA my issue is with fast cars, not slow bikes)

@DrTCombs You very well could have a speed limiter in your car and not even know it. Many cars that are capable of very high speeds, notably BMW, Audi, and Mercedes, all have limiters set at 155 mph


Yeah but once I get my car over around 35mph I'll probably kill anyone I hit with it, so a 155mph limiter is of irrelevant, no?

@DrTCombs As someone who’s been hit by a car going 35mph, and lived to tell the tale (thank you, bicycle helmet!) trust me, that’s something I’m deeply sympathetic to on city streets. But cars also drive on freeways where there aren’t pedestrians, and the limiters in question were designed with the autobahn in mind

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