
Raise your hand if you actually like the potholes on your neighborhood street because you know without them your neighbors will drive even more maniacally.

Just me? Please don't let it just be me.

@DrTCombs Drivers with anxiety as a traffic calming measure?

@neia whatever it takes to make them internalize the hazard they pose

@DrTCombs The problem is potholes are always worst on the shoulders, which forces those of us using sensible bicycles into the main road.

@Malaclypse ahh, in this specific situation the potholes are in the middle of the street as well!

@DrTCombs I'm still bitter because I cracked a wheel rim last summer.

@DrTCombs It might not be a bad idea to stop spending money repairing roads and instead spend the money on active travel and public transport infrastructure.

@DrTCombs yeah so this is a big question I have. How much of road maintenance is really necessary, vs how much is just to give drivers a nice smooth driving experience? I understand that total lack of maintenance increases the long term costs, but what is the sweet spot in terms of cost?

@sweetenthestreets @DrTCombs if we do that, separate smooth infrastructure for bikes and skateboards and scooters and baby carriages and mobility scooters and pedestrians, please.

@dr2chase @DrTCombs i do know that pavements for bikes etc is cheaper bc it does need to be as deep

@DrTCombs this has not been my experience in Detroit. But then, that's not surprising.

@DrTCombs I've had a couple of close calls as a cyclist from drivers swerving away from the potholes, so I don't find them helpful as traffic calming.

@DrTCombs To be fair though, when I'm the one driving, potholes do make me slow down to the point of others behind me honking!

@DrTCombs same here; agree that I don't complain for the same traffic calming reasons except when I wasn't paying attention and hit one while biking (down hill at speed). Hit the ground hard, breaking several bones which required surgery. Guess, in a way, it worked? 😬

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