
Academic adulting achievement unlocked: submitting a manuscript *before *receiving a polite reminder from the editor!

Surely I'm suppoed to get a profile badge or something for this, right?

@DrTCombs As a former member of various editorial boards, thank you. We DO have a metric of your average time to review in our database, but I never used it to choose reviewers, so don’t change just because of that! Personnally I aim to review 3 times the number of papers I submit in a year, and thus accept or decline to review based on that, while trying to spread the total out over 12 months.

@naubinhorth That's my goal as well - for every article I submit, I'll budget time for 3 reviews requests. As a soft money academic, that's all I can justify to myself or my funders.
But I get requests at a much higher rate than that, especially lately. Something's gone wrong in the field.

@DrTCombs yes the demands have increased and you are right to protect your time. Over committing is not viable and will not give quality reviews. I don't have a solution other than individually setting boundaries...

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