A year of dangerous passes. AKA a 40 second argument for why we need massive, urgent investment in safe, dedicated facilities for people traveling by bicycle.

Every street for everyone.


@DrTCombs You’re fighting the good fight! This is why I “take the lane”. Even though I hate doing it because I feel like I’m in everybody’s way, it’s just so much safer when drivers can’t choose to make a close pass because there’s no room to do so. I expect I’ll survive the honks and indignation better than the close passes. Also our curses at the unsafe passers are almost exactly the same!


@CargoBikeLife I take the lane in a lot of instances, but have been close passed then as well. Increasingly, it just feels like drivers DGAF.

Also, taking the lane is a bold move. It may be the safest place to be somtimes, but it's a hard sell to convince a newbie that they or their kids are safest when they're smack in the middle of the road.

If we want more people to feel like riding a bike will work for them, we can't have streets that require them to have superhero skills or bravery.

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