I don't understand why DC's isn't the norm. Large are freeloaders. Their weight accelerates pavement wear, increasing road maintenance cost. Their length reduces space available for other cars, increasing congestion. Their width increases the risk of sideswipe collisions. Their height increases the risk of fatalities & serious injuries when crashes do happen.
It's ridiculous we don't charge extra for all that.


@DrTCombs electric cars are also heavier than a small car on fossil fuels. That's a problem in that tax system

@jonassalen not a problem. tax cars based on all of the dimensions that generate negative externalities. height, length, width, weight, non-point-source emissions, point-source emissions, embodied carbon. all of it.


@jonassalen not difficult at all! establish the metrics and assess the fees.

the hard part is politics, not the math.

@DrTCombs @jonassalen

The UK system from about 7 years ago. I think it was abandoned because it rewarded diesels which create NOx polution.


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