I don't understand why DC's isn't the norm. Large are freeloaders. Their weight accelerates pavement wear, increasing road maintenance cost. Their length reduces space available for other cars, increasing congestion. Their width increases the risk of sideswipe collisions. Their height increases the risk of fatalities & serious injuries when crashes do happen.
It's ridiculous we don't charge extra for all that.


@DrTCombs electric cars are also heavier than a small car on fossil fuels. That's a problem in that tax system

@jonassalen not a problem. tax cars based on all of the dimensions that generate negative externalities. height, length, width, weight, non-point-source emissions, point-source emissions, embodied carbon. all of it.

@DrTCombs @jonassalen
That's too cumbersome and will invoke people to skirt the law. Just impose the Luxury Tax we used to have. It worker perfectly. Graduated in 5K increments over 40K Tax all luxury items Boat, furs , jewelry . and mansions... Anything over 1M.

The price of the car isn't the issue here. Correlated, sure, but not the actual problem.

So you know, all the big gas guzzelers are Luxury SUVS That range from $60 to $150,000. That includes a ton of Pickup trucks..Which are top sellers.


@GatekeepKen Wow, I had no idea luxury SUVs and pickups guzzle gas and cost a lot of money. Thanks for the enlightenment.

No problem ,I run into a lot of people out of touch with reality.

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