Exhibit A: Why you can fix a dangerous street with a sign.
The in this video was a great first draft at calming traffic on this neighborhood street, but it's no longer effective. This video shows 48 times drivers--including professionals with CDLs--ignored it over a few hours' worth of filming in April 2023.


@DrTCombs We may need cameras at stop signs. Traffic cameras at traffic signals have been around for a while now.

@Bobsee I don't think it's an enforcement thing. The vast majority of cars passing through here didn't stop. These are just some of the worst of them.

When that many people are failing to do what the sign says, then it's time to rethink whether the sign is the right intervention.


@Bobsee I'd love to see physical traffic calming. A raised intersection, mini roundabout, chicanes, giant boulders in the way...I'm not too picky at this point.

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