
This guy. Just ever-so-nonchalantly rolls the stop sign and then overtakes my kid and me in the middle of an intersection as we biked home from school.

You wouldn't do this to someone in a car. Don't do it to someone on a bike.

@DrTCombs Most drivers wait to pass me until it is safe, but a significant number will pass when there is oncoming traffic (giving me far less than the legally-required space) or without knowing what is coming around the bend - we all know what they will do to avoid crashing into an oncoming truck.

@DrTCombs When I first moved from CA to MA over 30 years ago, I thought many drivers were trying to run me off the road. After I thought about it, I realized they were just (famously!) bad drivers: once I was no longer in front of them I no longer existed, so they would move back to the right even though that's where I was. It's not as bad now, but I'm not sure if that's because the drivers are better or because I am slower.

@DrTCombs @rowdypixel Some people absolutely would, and do, do this to other drivers.

Doesn’t make it okay of course, just highlights how much some people really do not care about others’ safety.

@philip @DrTCombs I see this way more often when biking than driving due to the speed and size differential when I’m on my bike. It feels safer to the person in the car and that’s all that seems to matter.

Same. We're small and nonthreatening and also not worth an ounce of care.

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