We--my partner, my kid, and I--have 2 days left to decide whether said kid stays enrolled at her neighborhood elementary school or enrolls in a specialized gifted education program that offers services she very much could use in a different school.

There are pros and cons. But the thing I can't get over is that the other school--the only place in the whole district where these services are offered--is in a no walk/no bike zone. As in kids are literally banned from & there.

@DrTCombs What! As you make clear, this is just a ridiculous predicament you (and many others) are being forced into due the own goals of poor transit/planning priorities


@dgodon So ridiculous.
And to be fair, we can make it work. It'd be really hard and no fun, but we could do it. But lots of families can't. Lots of kids won't get the education they deserve because of our selfish, backwards ideas about transportation in this country.

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