We--my partner, my kid, and I--have 2 days left to decide whether said kid stays enrolled at her neighborhood elementary school or enrolls in a specialized gifted education program that offers services she very much could use in a different school.

There are pros and cons. But the thing I can't get over is that the other school--the only place in the whole district where these services are offered--is in a no walk/no bike zone. As in kids are literally banned from & there.

@DrTCombs how horrible - I honestly can't wrap my head around it :/ is there a school bus at least ? Otherwise how can the kids get there ?


@RadtkeJCJ there's a school bus, but, like most school systems, ours doesn't have nearly enough drivers to cover all the routes. which means sometimes the routes take up to 90 minutes. sometimes the bus doesn't come at all.

so the bus is an option, but not a reliable one.

as a result, most kids are driven to school. and the road rage at pickup time at this particular school is somewhat legendary.

@DrTCombs Road rage sounds like the expected outcome of such a system :/ the idea that no child could realistically get themselves to school (once old enough) seems miserable

@RadtkeJCJ @DrTCombs and what it does to the community, parents not interacting with each other, kids unable to bike to each others' houses for play dates, or bike to/from school for extra-curricular activities, just a cascade of policy failures that need to be stacked on the desks of #trafficEngineers and mayors, governors etc. who caused this.

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