We--my partner, my kid, and I--have 2 days left to decide whether said kid stays enrolled at her neighborhood elementary school or enrolls in a specialized gifted education program that offers services she very much could use in a different school.

There are pros and cons. But the thing I can't get over is that the other school--the only place in the whole district where these services are offered--is in a no walk/no bike zone. As in kids are literally banned from & there.

@wauz welcome to North Carolina. Where we build schools on high speed roads without sidewalks.

@DrTCombs @wauz Wow, when I first read this thread I assumed the school set a(n unenforceable) no walk/bike zone. But it's a city/state law?? 😡

@DrTCombs @wauz We're in a situation where both of my kids qualified for gifted&talented classes, but there's nothing offered nearby... So we stuck with the neighborhood school for both (until my eldest got into a special ASD school, which was also not nearby but is at least on the subway).


@Andres4NY @wauz Gah, these sorts of tradeoffs are so frustrating!

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