
Ask me how awesome it feels to watch driver after driver cut you off in a while looking at their phones.

We need dedicated, protected phases at every *signalized* intersection.

And not after making us wait for 3 minutes.

Please and thank you.

· Edited · · Elk · 2 · 13 · 28

@DrTCombs at "every intersection"? Please, no. I was in Montreal a while ago which had traffic lights at nearly every intersection and when it wasn't a traffic light it was a stop sign. Very disruptive to have to stop so often, and frankly quite tiring to pedal up to speed again after each one. IMHO, good sense, slow speeds, and give way lines work pretty well for most minor intersections, especially inside an LTN. I hear your complaint about those shockingly distracted drivers, but if they're that distracted what makes you think they'll stop for a protected pedestrian phase?

@vandry I thought it was implicit I meant signalized intersections. I revised the original toot to add that clarification.

I'd much prefer fully dedicated ped/bike infrastructure. Second best would be low stress networks that don't require signalization.
But given how much travel--in the US, at least--happens on higher speed roadways, that's my focus. And one can only hope the red lights that come with protected pedestrian phases come with red light cameras.

@DrTCombs Fair enough, sorry for the misinterpretation. 'Round here (London, UK) most all traffic lights do have a pedestrian phase, and that's for the best!

@vandry here in the US, we're lucky if there's a walk signal. if we ask for a dedicated phase, we are laughed at for daring suggest that a driver might be told to wait.

@DrTCombs On a run with my dog today (on the road because no sidewalk), and a driver slowed down to tell me it was dangerous for the dog WHILE SHE WAS LOOKING AT A PHONE IN HER HAND!!!!!

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