2 years ago, we bought a house that was being eaten (for real) by . With several months of actual blood, sweat, and tears, we got rid of the bamboo and uncovered 1/8 acre of beleaguered, nutrient-depleted land just begging to someday be a .


@DrTCombs one of the houses we are looking at to buy has overgrown bamboo as a screen for the neighbors and I'm terrified at managing it if we get that house. I'm pretty sure this was trimmed for the original photos of the house in January (photo on the right). Also, let's talk about that clearly photoshopped lawn as well as a serious fisheye lense that makes the space seem larger. And that tree on the right... It is not maintained all which makes me think it's also photoshopped edited.

@NerdRage42 Oh that is SO PHOTOSHOPPED.

When we moved in, we thought we could manage the bamboo. We were going to beat it back to a well-contained little garden.

This...turned about to be very naive. It's like a sweater pull. Once you start trying to get it under control, you'll discover that the bits you want to save are physically dependent on the bits you want to remove.

You might discover this when bamboo poles start falling on your head while you work.

@DrTCombs yeah. This is the "lawn". Front portion near the fire pit, back portion near a wooded area down to a gulch with no protective fence for our dog. We saw a coyote on the trail two houses down. Some down sides to the house, but a lot of pluses that might make it worth our time.


@NerdRage42 argh. bamboo AND creeping charlie. Throw in some smilax or wysteria for the invasive terror trifecta.

we've been helping our neighbor eradicate the creeping charlie that took hold of their yard once we took out the bamboo that was blocking their sun and sucking up all their soil moisture. It's been a battle of its own kind, but also somewhat satisfying.

@DrTCombs we're in the Pacific Northwest so I don't know if you can see it, but there's blackberries in the wooded area back there. And some coming up in the front yard. Arguably easier to manage if you catch them before their roots spread far. But it's always a game of whack-a-mole here.

@NerdRage42 that's hilarious because my partner just sent me a photo of a LOVELY yard/garden in Olympia and it made me want to pack up and move.

grass is greener and all...

@DrTCombs my parents would be moving in with us and my mom said she's going to dig up all her bulbs from their rental and take them with her to the new house. They're all heirloom type bulbs that she said she paid like $30 a piece for. I told her that we would have a lot of work to do.

@NerdRage42 they better be the kind that likes hanging out in the fridge

@DrTCombs good news! There's a bonus fridge and chest freezer in the garage! (And a Bowflex 🤣)

@DrTCombs the Bowflex is for lifting the bodies into the chest freezer.

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