I invite anyone who argues that are overkill to come live my life for a week. And I'll go live your life, in your superfit body that never sweats, on your awesome infrastructure that accommodates you and your kids, hauling around your weightless groceries.

You can live in my wonky middle-aged body still inflamed from , at the bottom of the hill my city is famous for, in heat and humidity, on roads that will get your kids killed if they're not strapped to you.


actually you know what? I don't care. I know exactly what my has done for me. It's helped me live an almost car-free life. It's helped my child learn to navigate her community while bringing us closer together. It's helped me make friends. It's brought me joy and freedom.

You ride your regular bike if you want to. But stop trying to convince the rest of us that we don't need our ebikes. It's ableist, elitist, snooty, and none of your business.

@DrTCombs I have debilitating hip pain and my ebike has reopened the world to me.

I would never ride a regular bike to work because I would arrive an unbelievable sweaty mess.

From April though October I ride my ebike 3-4 days per week, and it's great.

@DrTCombs They're not my thing, but they don't have to be. I support anything that gets more cars off the road. No one should be judging you for that.

@DrTCombs what jerk thing for someone say! I was once a skeptic but after a family friend bought one and started riding to work for the first time, I started to think differently. Just this weekend, my kid asked for a ride and l loved that I could go 12 miles in a wicked headwind without having to use my asthma meds.

@DrTCombs I got an electric mid-tail to haul kids. It lets us have only one car in the suburbs, is our primary mode of transport, and it's *enjoyable*. I pulled my kids in a trailer with a regular bike before and I hadn't realised just how miserable I was getting. Ebike has made cycling JOYFUL for the whole family!

@marshant @DrTCombs yes, this, 100%. Mine's a longtail but this mirrors my experience exactly.

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