I invite anyone who argues that are overkill to come live my life for a week. And I'll go live your life, in your superfit body that never sweats, on your awesome infrastructure that accommodates you and your kids, hauling around your weightless groceries.

You can live in my wonky middle-aged body still inflamed from , at the bottom of the hill my city is famous for, in heat and humidity, on roads that will get your kids killed if they're not strapped to you.

@DrTCombs I can't tell you how excited I am to get my ebike next month!!!! My overweight, rod-in-my-back, achy knee, middle-aged body wouldn't get on a regular bike. The ebike I'm getting is a step through and I can sit upright, something I need for my back. And I'll be able to replace trips to Target & Aldi that would be in my car with an ebike trip!! Uphill both ways!

So people need to embrace the ebikers who are doing it despite their physical ability to ride a bike!

@somcak @DrTCombs as a generally fit person, I am a huge e-bike evangelist because no matter how fit you are, there are still things that you will do with an e-bike that you wouldn’t with a normal bike. Whether that’s cargo, hills, distance, or speed, e-bikes enable new cycling usage, and I fully support them for anyone who feels they could benefit.

@somcak @DrTCombs in the year before I bought an e-bike, I used my pedal bike for around 200 miles of trips. In the year after, I went on 1800 miles of trips. There just isn’t any comparison in how much utility a bike could give me.

@crschmidt @DrTCombs I'll be happy if I get 200 miles the 1st year. My goal is to replace all Target & Aldi car runs, they're each 2 miles away. Maybe a couple of trips to the beach or town square for music nights.

My main issue with replacing my car commute is that I go on a narrow, windy road where the speed limit is 35 mph & cars regularly go faster than 60 mph. The road is literally 2 lanes wide. Not much room for error in a car. That scares me on a bike. There's no alternate route.

@somcak @crschmidt @DrTCombs That kind of road sounds like a challenge. Not an American so not sure how initiating development of bike infrastructure would work, but is this something you could address to the local council?

My main exposure to local American government is ‘Parks and recreation’, pretty sure that is not reality 😀

@jeroenvanbergen @crschmidt @DrTCombs That's actually pretty damn close to how my town is run! lol

It's a road that connects 2 towns, with the town line being on that road, so the jurisdiction is 2 different towns. My town has been taken over by the state for improper management, so the funding has been cut for all but essential services. For the other town, they haven't repaved or repaired their section of the road in the 6 years I've been here. So I feel like it's a lost cause.


@somcak @jeroenvanbergen @crschmidt yeah, I was going to say Parks & Rec is pretty damn accurate.

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