urbanism venting 

when are we going to stop counting on inner city, lower income, Black & Brown neighborhoods to carry the water for our urbanist dreams?

urbanism venting 

@DrTCombs Once we start actually owning up to how much different parts of a municipality cost vs how much tax revenue they generate.

So probably never, because people are definitely inclined to never investigate things they suspect will not be in their favor.


urbanism venting 

@wordshaper thank you for finding the words my exasperation was hiding from me

you have hit so clearly on a big part of the problem, which is that those of us with the loftiest expectations rarely reflect on whether we are also the builders of the tallest barriers

urbanism venting 

@DrTCombs You're welcome and/or I'm very sorry? :)

urbanism venting 

@wordshaper Ha. I think I am welcome and you should not be sorry ;)

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