urbanism venting 

when are we going to stop counting on inner city, lower income, Black & Brown neighborhoods to carry the water for our urbanist dreams?

urbanism venting 

@DrTCombs We have some similar challenges in #cville . The current thought is to remove parking mandates but shift development pressure more evenly across the city instead of concentrating it in lower income and/or historically Black areas. I agree that ignoring equity is a massive problem.

urbanism venting 

@Lyle I suspect our challenges are very similar!

Chapel Hill just did manage to pass a land use ordinance amendment last night to allow duplexes in residential neighborhoods, but with so very many "guardrails." The number of parking spots was one of the negotiation points.

urbanism venting 

@DrTCombs Yes, your descriptions sounds very familiar to me


urbanism venting 

@Lyle Also I'm just really annoyed at all the really privileged white men complaining that the Black woman on town council doesn't know what she's doing / suggesting she didn't even know what she was voting on.

I mean that says a lot about how much we're actually willing to understand how complex this situation is.

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