Now that most of the compost tea & sludge are contained, I've showered, and the laundry is running, I can reflect on what went wrong this morning.

In a nutshell, all of it. All of the things I thought might go wrong when trying to strain 20 gallons of compost tea by myself, in my PJs, after a near all-nighter finishing a report, did in fact go wrong.

Did I learn any lessons? Probably not.
Do my veggies appreciate my efforts? They damn well better!


It was one of those situations in which you can foresee, at every step, what's likely to go wrong with your approach, yet you proceed anyway, and sure enough, it goes wrong.

I'm not proud.

This is my standard modus operedi, don't worry. Making liquid feed is sooooo smelly... I don't even bother straining it, just fish out all the comfrey and stick it on the heap then fill up the bottles. I do wear rubber gloves though. And all the flies in the neighbourhood have a party.

@DrTCombs this makes me feel so much less alone in my experience of the same phenomenon.

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