TL;DR: how do you ?

My super nerdy kid has decided she wants to spend the rest of her hot summer break creating a podcast in which she teaches parents how to help their elementary aged with .

She's all in. First episode recorded, eps 2-4 sketched out.

What comes next?? How do you go from recording to ? Not looking to make money! Just trying to support her efforts to find her true calling and save other kids from their clueless parents.

What are the most fool proof audio editing tools? I will pay for easy.

What information goes with a podcast? How much do you reveal about yourself?

And...where do they live??


I mean there's every chance she wakes up tomorrow and has zero interest in this anymore.

But there's an equally good chance she comes down to breakfast with a dozen handwritten episode scripts.

I gotta be prepared.

If you want to remain within the #fediverse, you can try @funkwhale for audio or @peertube for video...

Visit their sites to find a potential server..

These can also be self hosted (relatively) easily using something like @yunohost 👍
Oh.. and if you're after livestreaming, you could go with @owncast 👍

@DrTCombs I’m about a year into hosting my own podcast and have been learning and doing for church for a couple of additional years. I’d happily jump on a call or video chat to help answer any question you have. DM me if interested.

I’ve got to make the v2 of this article as I’ve both simplified some things and learned new stuff, but you might find this helpful:
[ #podcasting #podcast ]

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