Fedi-brain-hive, I need you once again.

Is there an that means "to make permanent?" Essentially, I need the word "permanentize" to exist, but evidently it does not. Surely another word exists in its stead?

Please ! This problem has been vexing me for over three years (since I began tracking the way cities changed their street space during the pandemic and whether or not those changes were permanentized).

I'm so tired of writing "were made permanent."


The context I'm trying to address is "things that started out as temporary things but someone decided to the things should not go away, and should be upgraded as necessary to ensure they would not go away."

OOOOH getting some wonderful suggestions here from @breadandcircuses @TRiG @dx @kim_harding @DavidHarding and @Xoriff

And two strong votes for just rolling with "permanentize," which I am finding increasingly compelling.

@breadandcircuses @TRiG @dx @kim_harding @DavidHarding @Xoriff Permanentize(/ise) is just too compelling. We have a winner.

But y'all, I do have to draw the line at 'permanentization.'

@DrTCombs @breadandcircuses @TRiG @dx @kim_harding @DavidHarding @Xoriff formalized, would come close in a context of spatial/legal arrangements. But permanentize is a very nice angle!

@DrTCombs That perfectly describes the 6 counties of Ireland that remain a part of the UK. It was a temporary arrangement that has lasted over 100 years. Permanentized.

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