It would really enhance my ability to finish this overdue report if would stop making all my text disappear at random intervals.

Anyone know why this happens...and how to make it stop? (updating and rebooting have not helped)

@DrTCombs I would do all my work in Google Docs and export to Word format.

@dr2chase I'd happily use anything but word if I our systems were set up for it.

@DrTCombs Might not be allowed for what you're working on (HIPAA, security stuff, etc) but should "just work" in your browser (especially if it is Chrome). Note major COI here, I work for G, but also, I end up using docs a lot and I do not curse at it, which from me is a five star endorsement.


@dr2chase it's more that we're so entrenched in microsoft for shared documents, and pulling something out of the shared doc risks huge versioning snafus

but I have moved the section of this doc that i'm working on to google docs for now!

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