(the Institute of Transportation Engineers) began recommending (right turn on red) as a fuel saving measure in 1986. ITE rescinded that guidance in September 2019, writing:

"The existing [recommendation] fails to provide a sufficiently robust analysis of the impacts, especially with regards to the potential impacts on the safety of using ."

ITE's full statement on rescinding the RTOR recommendation:



@DrTCombs automate it. Require a stop but if the vehicle has the equipment to know if it's safe let it make the turn. Honestly, you could do the same with slowly rolling through stoplights with the right equipment on hand. We're not quite there yet but we will get there.


@mkaatman it'll be decades before all vehicles on the roads are automated, and until then, we can't have different rules for different vehicles. it'd be absolute mayhem.
when we do get there, lights may be obsolete (for better or worse). until then, we must design with the least attentive driver in mind.

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