Hiya friends! Any recommendations for portable, real-time particulate matter meters?

As the kids say, I'm tryna see something

For real though: trying to develop guidance on and facility placement in


Hi again! Back with some excellent crowdsourced recommendations from all y'all. I'm probably going to go with one of these two portable AQ/PM detectors, but haven't decided which yet:

Temtop M2000: temtopus.com/products/temtop-m

Atmotube Pro: atmotube.com/atmotube-pro

Other recommendations that look good, but probably not a great fit for my project:

Purple Air: www2.purpleair.com/ (Solid and well recommended but out of my project's budget and I've heard stories about spiders)

Igeress: amazon.com/IGERESS-Detector-Fo (The price is right but I have concerns about durability for a research project)

@DrTCombs Well the Temtop is big and looks like you mean business while the Atmotube Pro is discrete. The Temtop M2000 also does CO2 which you may or may not want. Depends on exactly what you want to do!

@DavidElfstrom Oh, that's good to note! I'm ok if it looks like we mean business -- we do! CO2's not part of our study but still useful information just to have.

Thanks! That's 1 upvote for the temtop.

@DavidElfstrom I think what it's going to come down to is the format the data are recorded in. The easier it is to use the data, the more useful it'll be.

@DrTCombs The Atmotube Pro looks tempting with its app-based interface including integration with a mobile's GPS data to create an air pollution map. I don't have one but it sure looks more convenient.

@DrTCombs The Temtop should be considered if the need is for occasional sampling (seconds to minutes) while the atmo for longer term (continuous during the day, or during a commute)

That's a tantalizing feature. We're still exploring different research designs, so not sure what our exact needs are. So, I'm gonna get one of each for myself on eBay and play!

@DrTCombs That's the spirit! Like bicycles, the number of meters you need is N+1

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