
We've got 5 kids/3 families on board for our elementary school's first ever next week!
A small but thrilling start.

@DrTCombs Cool! Where?

Where I'm, Windsor Ontario #YQG should be absolutely MADE of Bike Busses! It's flat. It's a grid. Our climate allows for year round cycling easily.

If only we weren't a car dependent hellscape....

Good luck and safe and fun biking eh!

We're in central NC, where except in August it's an excellent place to ride a bike, but for all the cars

@DrTCombs NC is kinda a long way from me but I'm following you now anyway LOL

Cheers eh

@DrTCombs I am waaaay more of a cat dude... But my wife digs Pooches, Hounds, and Mutts!


@DrTCombs How do you determine where to start? Does everyone meet a few blocks from school? Or you’re all leaving from the same street? Or you’ll gage a route that picks people up along the way?

I'm really just guessing about it, but I picked a route I've seen kids and parents on. I didn't get any interest in the idea until I put a suggested route out there.

The route we're trying this week is .6 mi from start to finish. We start at a little pocket park and will hopefully accumulate kids along the way.

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