TL;DR: frittata needed!

My niece is getting married next weekend and I have just learned I have been assigned the tast of making frittatas for pre-wedding . I'm a capable home cook, but my partner generally handles all breakfasty-things, so I'm not exactly in my comfort zone here.

Please send me your best frittata and tips, esp. re for a crowd! Assume I'm an idiot.

Thank you!!!

@DrTCombs The #1 most important tip I will pass on is *make your fillings in advance*. You can toss all sorts of things into frittatas, and it's so much easier if you cooked up the fillings a day or two before and put 'em in the fridge.

The second tip is to figure out how many ladles of liquid your frittata pan takes. That way you can have a big bowl of egg mix all ready and know you just need one or two (or whatever) scoops of egg. Plus someone can possibly refill the egg bowl while you work

@DrTCombs Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with buying a brand new non-stick frying pan of the exact size you want for frittata making. (Heck, if you're giving the wedding couple a gift, give 'em a cookware set that conveniently has that pan in it and just use it)

@wordshaper Oh they have already received the world's fanciest instant pot from me and they better enjoy the heck out of that sucker.

@DrTCombs Hah! :) Those are nice, to be sure. Alas I can't think of a way to make frittatas in one or I'd say use that.

Normally I'd say a good well-seasoned carbon steel pan is the way to go for this event, but unless you've got one handy already *and* are comfortable using it then nonstick is less hassle and a new one's both cheap and will make your cooking life so much easier.


@wordshaper OH I have so many carbon-steel related questions. I have somehow acquired an unseasoned one and it has refused my attempts to season it. It's way too precious for my kitchen, I fear.

@DrTCombs I have a small carbon steel pan I use for omelets. I find that using a good amount of oil, preheating the pan well, and just wiping it clean (not washing, it rusts) has kept it surprisingly non-stick and unfiddly.

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