TL;DR: frittata needed!

My niece is getting married next weekend and I have just learned I have been assigned the tast of making frittatas for pre-wedding . I'm a capable home cook, but my partner generally handles all breakfasty-things, so I'm not exactly in my comfort zone here.

Please send me your best frittata and tips, esp. re for a crowd! Assume I'm an idiot.

Thank you!!!

@DrTCombs If cooking for a large crowd, you can reduce your stress by doing a large frittata as a tray bake in the oven. Put a high sided pan on an oven tray and warm in a 350F oven. Dump some bacon fat in the pan to melt and swish it around to cover the pan surface. Pre cook your fillings (onion, pepper, whatevs) on the stovetop. Beat a crapload of eggs, add the fillings, season, dump it all into the prewarmed pan, and shove it in the oven until set and puffy. Enjoy a mimosa.

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