TL;DR: frittata needed!

My niece is getting married next weekend and I have just learned I have been assigned the tast of making frittatas for pre-wedding . I'm a capable home cook, but my partner generally handles all breakfasty-things, so I'm not exactly in my comfort zone here.

Please send me your best frittata and tips, esp. re for a crowd! Assume I'm an idiot.

Thank you!!!

@DrTCombs This has a good descrition.
I just make individual ones in a bun tin, mix up eggs, cream and black pepper. Put grated cheddar cheese in each bun space, top with ham or chives or whatever and spoon in a couple of large spoons of the egg mix into each, cook on 180C for about 11-12 mins until just set (ie they don't wobble when shaken). Serve cold.


@tiggy I'm going to try this for dinner mostly because reading it is making my mouth water. Thank you!

@tiggy omg that looks so good.
smoked paprika is one of my absolute favorite ingredients

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