TL;DR: frittata needed!

My niece is getting married next weekend and I have just learned I have been assigned the tast of making frittatas for pre-wedding . I'm a capable home cook, but my partner generally handles all breakfasty-things, so I'm not exactly in my comfort zone here.

Please send me your best frittata and tips, esp. re for a crowd! Assume I'm an idiot.

Thank you!!!


the "trick" is getting them fluffy.

i've had good luck with adding a bit of dairy (milk, light cream) when whisking the eggs. but the weird one that also works is a bit of cooked white rice whisked into the eggs (maybe generous tbsp per 3 eggs?). found the rice trick handy with a couple of lactose intolerant family members.

dusting the frittata with grated parmesan or pecorino as you move from stove top to oven also helps with rising and makes both a tasty and visually pleasing crust on top.

almost anything you like can go in. i use frittatas as a great way to get rid of odd bits of veggies in the fridge.


@paul_ipv6 Rice! I'd never have thought of that!
And the dusting trick is a good one. I'm going to try it out soon and will report back.
Thank you!


RE: rice. nothing like family/friends with dietary issues to really expand your bag of tricks. :)

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