
What color clothing am I supposed to wear around drivers who see me and just don't give a $hit?

@DrTCombs even with a bright yellow vest I almost got a head collision because driver didn't seem like waiting to overtake a car double-parked on their lane this morning. So I don't have an answer to that question.

Swearing textiles 

@wordshaper love me some effin' birds.

@DrTCombs hi-vis and flashing lights may as well be an invisibility cloak to some people.

@DrTCombs a propane cylinder visibly strapped to the back of the bike.

lol, try swimming stores, i remember using them for lifeguard training

@DrTCombs @ajjison
To be fair every car should spray its driver with cold salty water containing impurities whenever nearby pedestrians feel like it. Motorists may then spend time pondering their choice of clothing, whether to helmet up, whether to listen to music, whether they should ride two abreast, etc etc.

@DrTCombs there is no defence from devil-may-care motorists, we're on our own

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