
is approaching. Should I get a to go with it?

What's a Cleverhood? Only the best rain jacket for biking. Says so right there on the website!

@DrTCombs I'm saying yes, but in my experience before you commit to wearing something waterproof think about if you'll get wetter from the rain or from the sweat. I have a rain cape that I avoid wearing in the summer and you'd think that wouldn't be a big deal.

The thing about even "waterproof but not vaporproof" clothing is that your sweat only becomes vapor after you become a traveling sauna.

@edd ah, good point. I have an ebike so the sweat factor is a lot easier to regulate.

That said, in our central North Carolina summers, often referred to as Hell's Front Porch, it's best to avoid existing entirely.

@DrTCombs I got myself a great cost from here when in Amsterdam. If I had my bike I’d be happily wearing it!

@DrTCombs @geoff_green and here I was thinking the Cleverhood is a little pricy!

@DrTCombs Not just my wife, but every other person I know of who has a Cleverhood says the same thing.

@DrTCombs No choice in brighter colours seems like a missed opportunity in the terms of visibility.

@nikkid @DrTCombs I know, but during the day with rain you'd still get better visibility woth bright colours.

@DrTCombs I was fancying one but I found another stylish option called a Happy Rainy Days coat, which also happens to be a Happy Snowy Days coat too. The extra piece of fabric that joins both sides of the front is ingenious!

@DrTCombs yes, and post a review so I can figure out whether I want one as well lol

@DrTCombs My wife is not on social media, but she strongly encourages a Cleverhood. She says when you go to a folk festival, you have your own personal tent.

@DrTCombs I love the look of them but can’t justify the expense since I raraely ride in the rain and when I do, it is mostly for exercise so I am not worried about appearances. But if I biked to work or for all my errands, I would invest.

@DrTCombs My biggest debate was whether to get the more expensive original one or the more affordable one. Ended up with the affordable one as it was my first "rain cape/poncho" and it's been solid, but it's so lightweight that the belt/strap/thing is required. More subjective but I like the styles and reflect-ability of the higher end one. Will probably upgrade when I can justify it.

@blakeshall This is helpful!
It rarely gets truly cold here, so the lightweight version is what I'm learning toward.

@DrTCombs yeah unless you are wearing a backpack or something, the “tail” will easily blow up and flap around. I’ve heard the original is also fine for layering but I definitely can attest to it for the lighter one. It’s 25-35 here in KY and I can wear a warm coat under it just fine.

@DrTCombs @blakeshall seconding getting the belt for the lighter ones. I can make it work with or without the belt, but definitely prefer with it - I find it irritating that it doesn’t just come with it. And from someone else in a southeastern US climate (Nashville), I really prefer the cape to a rain coat in late spring/summer. I feel silly wearing it, but it works well for me.

@kimu @DrTCombs it’s also nice to have relatively dry pants without having to wear another pair of waterproof pants on top of your regular ones. I say relatively because there’s still splashing that can be a concern or if it’s a heavier rain, but for mild to moderate showers I just grab the cape and go.

@blakeshall @DrTCombs agree! My cuffs might get damp but usually not to the degree that I’d care.

@DrTCombs I'd definitely try one on before committing. While I love the Cleverhood concept the fit is just too loose for my tastes and riding style. Your mileage may vary, of course. 😎

I don't use a Cleverhood or even that style of rain cape, but I would never go without proper rain wear in the summer (our winters are snow), so if the Cleverhood is your choice in rain gear then I would give it a resounding yes! Makeshift options (or toughing it out) do not suffice. I would also consider waterproof shoes and rain pants.

Disclosure: I believed in this long before I became a cyclist. I toured all of North America by motorcycle, and held the same reliance on rain gear.

@ned I've got the rain jacket and rain pans and waterproof shoes, but it's a drag to put all that on everytime I need to go out. My trips are almost all short--less than 3 miles one way--which makes getting into and out of all that rain gear onerous!

@DrTCombs Yeah, I always like to have "quickie" options too!

Speaking of Cleverhood... Since you put them on my radar I see they also have capes for peeps in my climate as well. :D

(They're advertising them for winter walks, but I'm thinking they'd be just as great on the bike.)

@ned don't think I didn't let out a long, "ooooooooooooh" when I saw that

@DrTCombs @ned I did not know what a cleverhood was but now Im getting one of those snowcapes. Fucking spot on for shit going on up here in Canada.

*Uh, you mean winter?*


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