
I'm not superstitious but rolling under a lift arm connected to a bucket full of window glass does give me a mild case of heeby jeebies.

@DrTCombs Superstition isn't even a factor. That site needs to be barriered off!!!

Who ever is running that needs to lose their job.

@ClintonAnderson it's just one of the many daily assaults on walking and biking this developer's contractors commit in their quest to be "the most bike friendly neighborhood in North Carolina"

@DrTCombs I don't know exactly what Health & Safety regulations you have there, but I'd be willing to bet that NOWHERE allows that set up to be run in such an unsafe manner. There must be somewhere for you to submit your photos to get it rectified.

I work, tangentially in Construction. If I did that, I'd be sent home that day and invited never to return.

@DrTCombs That would hurt a lot more than a ladder if it fell.

@DrTCombs Not about superstitions. What intersection is that? Why 2 driving lanes on right and only 1 on left?

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