
It is truly astonishing to me how many drivers are willing to drive on the wrong side of the road on a blind curve rather than wait two seconds to pass me on a straightaway.

@DrTCombs oh god yes! I had someone overtake me just before a blind summit yesterday. They had to cut me up to avoid being hit head on. Fortunately, I'd realised what was happening so pulled up against the kerb before they wiped me out. I have it on camera so may report.

@SteveJonesnono1 It's a general problem with cars that the people in them don't realize how close they are to catastrople at any given moment.

@DrTCombs absolutely. I gave up driving seven years ago but I'm very occasionally a passenger. Drivers just do not concentrate at all. At. All. Drivers treat roads as if they're on rails, if anything gets in the way of that mindset, chaos ensues.

@SteveJonesnono1 @DrTCombs on the roads where I know this is a problem I move further left to take the lane. I also have a Loud Bicycle horn essentially for these situations


Strategic squawk/scream seems to be a good substitute for Loud Bicycle Horn in my city. I generally avoid expletives and stick to wordless emotional tone. I suspect it helps to be a woman, I maybe come across as vulnerable more than angry

@SteveJonesnono1 @DrTCombs

@DrTCombs you monster, costing them the chance to check Facebook at the next light!

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