
What we're talking about this week in my Complete, Safe, Equitable Streets course:
1. The legal frameworks that should guarantee ...and why they fail,
2. The 4 types of cyclists, and
3. The* downsides* of many well-meaning "safety" campaigns, including this one:

· Edited · · Fedilab · 5 · 3 · 6

@DrTCombs It isn’t always possible to look at the drivers eyes. Tinted windshields and sunglasses are only 2 of the possible problems. And once again is it up to the pedestrian’s responsibility to remain safe. 🤬

@DrTCombs Impossible to look into a driver's eyes when their vehicle is covered in tinted glass. Such as was the case with #YusafSalaam in NYC.

@DrTCombs God, this is worse than the ‘surrender flags’ they want pedestrians to use to cross the street around here!

@DrTCombs Do you have thoughts about cultural differences re "making eye contact"? (gender-related too)

I have very big culture, gender, neurodiversity

@DrTCombs Good! Cuz I was brushed off when I voiced these issues in context of "shared" streets (the US versions). I was resisting the opinion that we *should* do it here bc it worked in the NL. 🤨

@DrTCombs and then there’s the problem with the drivers head being up their own ass. Or looking at their screen either way…

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