Hi people! If you had half an hour a handful of incredibly bright, incredibly bored 10 year olds, what math would you teach them?

The 4th grade math curriculum is letting these kids down, and they are hungry for a challenge...and to see that math can be fun again!

in advance!

@DrTCombs I've always liked the "counting to 31 on one hand" trick... and the kids get a kick out of number four.

@DrTCombs There are thirty-two combinations of having your fingers up or not. We only use five configurations when we count as usual, but we have the ability to use all the other ones. So think of your thumb as worth one, your pointer as worth two, middle finger = 4, ring finger = 8, and pinky finger = 16. Now you can form every number from 0 to 31 with a unique finger combination.

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